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Setup rmarkdown on server without Rstudio


  1. Setup rmarkdown on server without Rstudio
    1. Install texlive
    2. Setup texlive

Install texlive

Because the server is centos6 and the glibc is too old to support texlive 2018, I downloaded texlive 2017 from a website.

wget http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2017/texlive2017-20170524.iso

Mount the iso and then cp the files to a dir, cd to the dir and them install a minimal distribute using the command:

cd ~/chenr6/download/texlive
./install-tl --gui=text

If you want to install to a specific dir:

export TEXLIVE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/your/dir/

Input capital S to select scheme and input lower case d to select basic scheme:

Select scheme:

a [ ] full scheme (everything)
b [ ] medium scheme (small + more packages and languages)
c [ ] small scheme (basic + xetex, metapost, a few languages)
d [X] basic scheme (plain and latex)
e [ ] minimal scheme (plain only)
f [ ] ConTeXt scheme
g [ ] GUST TeX Live scheme
h [ ] infrastructure-only scheme (no TeX at all)
i [ ] teTeX scheme (more than medium, but nowhere near full)
j [ ] custom selection of collections

Actions: (disk space required: 157 MB)
<R> return to main menu
<Q> quit

Enter letter to select scheme: d

Input R to return

Input O to ignore the installation of document:

Options customization:

<P> use letter size instead of A4 by default: [ ]
<E> execution of restricted list of programs: [X]
<F> create format files:                      [X]
<D> install font/macro doc tree:              [ ]
<S> install font/macro source tree:           [ ]
<L> create symlinks in standard directories:  [ ]
binaries to: 
manpages to: 
info to: 
<Y> after installation, get package updates from CTAN: [X]

Actions: (disk space required: 157 MB)
<R> return to main menu
<Q> quit

Enter command: 

Input R to return and Input I to begin the installation

Setup texlive

After installation, put the binary dir to your PATH:

export PATH=$PATH:/your/dir/to/bin/

To avoide to use the local repository, which is default, set a online repository:

tlmgr option repository http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet

Install the missing packages by using the command:

tlmgr list ecrm2074

    Packages containing files matching crm2074':

The package including ecrm2074 is ec, so use the command:

tlmgr install ec

If you want to install the package to a specific dir:

export TEXMFHOME=/your/dir/


Test your installation by compile a pdf using:

pdflatex your.tex